Holistic Pregnancy Care
A holistic approach incorporates all of who you are and all you know about pregnancy and childbirth. You and your support team recognize your innate capabilities and seek to enhance them. You deliberately make choices that maximize your potential to have the healthiest pregnancy and the most natural progression of labor possible.
Pre-conception (BeejSanskar)
Just as a healthy seed bears healthy fruit, if the parent’s sperm and ovum are pure then the child is more likely to inherit a strong constitution and immunity. Preparing psychologically and physically for the little angel’s arrival optimises the mother and child’s state through the childbearing process.
Childbirth Information & Preparation
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Mother & Baby Care
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi hendrerit elit turpis, a porttitor tellus sollicitudin at. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Fertility Care Consultation
In the context of Fertility and Uttam Santatati Nirmiti , Ayurveda emphasize on the complete Health of the Husband and wife before Planning the Pregnancy . Although the basic aim and the mode of action are same