Garbh Sanskar

Understanding Garbh Sanskar

A sanskrit term that means 'education in the womb', Garbh Sanskar stems from the belief that a baby's mental and behavioural development begins right from the time he is conceived. This is the reason why it is said that the mother's state of mind can have a huge impact during pregnancy.

A practice that has been developed after years of research and medical studies, Garbh Sanskar helps to condition the child within the womb of his mother. As per Garbh Sanskar, the baby is able to respond to outside influences such as music and other sounds as well as the mother's thoughts and feelings in the womb.

Enhancing the Potentials of the baby in terms of body ,mind and intellects .

Garbh Sanskar involves a traditional diet planning, yoga, music, and behavioural suggestions that help create a positive atmosphere around the mother.

Sanskar is the action which is performed on an article so as to transform its attributes, to minimize its undesirable qualities and unpleasant actions and increase its desirable properties or pleasant actions.

‘संस्कारो हि गुणान्तराधानं उच्यते ।’
sanskaro hi gunantaradhanam uchyate | Charak Sutrasthan 26-34

Meaning: Sanskar means purity, sacredness, cleanliness.  As with body, the mind also needs to be trained to act accordingly.

When this process is done in The unborn babies ,the GARBHA ,it is termed as GARBHSANSKAR.

Even the Medicine given in Pregnancy for the ailments or general Health support are also Considered as a part of it i.e. AUSHADHIYA GARBHSANSKAR, because they also travel to babies and have their effects on them. The Yoga , Music , Mantra , GarbhSamvaad , Sadvrata ,Garbhini Paricharya i.e.Ayurvedic Diet and Behavioral suggestions are the part of Garbhsanskar . Even the care , that a family and a society must follow as respect and responsibility towards the PREGNANT WOMEN is also advised in Vedas .The Knowledge of The Growth of babies inside womb and the Ease and process of Childbirth were discussed in many ways as in tales ,Folk songs , architectural drawings of Ancient times , etc.

When to Start Garbh Sanskar while Pregnant?
Positive Thinking
Practising Yoga or Some Form of Light Exercise
Listening to Music Which Brings Peace to the Mind