Fertility Care

Ayurvedic Infertility Treatment

The word Ayurveda is a combination of two words: Ayu + Veda.

Ayu means life and Veda means the science. Thus Ayurveda is a SCIENCE of LIFE and not only science of diseases. The aim of Ayurveda is “Swasthasya Swasthya rakshnam, aturasya vikara prashaman” i.e. propagation of health and cure of diseases.

In the context of Fertility and Uttam Santatati Nirmiti , Ayurveda emphasize on the complete Health of the Husband and wife before Planning the Pregnancy .

Although the basic aim and the mode of action are same ,yet There are different strategies for the couple who need Preconception Wellness and for those who are suffering from The problem of Infertility .

The approach of Ayurveda to the treatment of any disease consists of two major procedures -- Samshodhana and Samsamana.

Samshodhana is claimed to be a radical Therapy ,to eliminate the vitiated Doshas causing disharmony in the body .It is also essential for Rasayana therapy which is done for Rejuvenation and Rehabilitation of the Body . Samshodhana of the body is done by Panchkarma which is essential for the maintenance of health in relation to the Circadian and Circannual variations of Doshas.

Samshodhana consists of palliative therapies applied when the patient is not able to perform

Samsodhana treatment. Or after Samsodhana treatments. This includes Ahara(wholesome food), Vihara (wholesome activities) and Aushadha (medicaments).

Both are the tools for the Treatment of Conditions causing the problem in achieving the Pregnancy.